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四年级上册Unit6 Meet My Family! 知识点汇总

2013年01月30日 11:15:23 来源:五寨县第一小学校 访问量:631

                四年级上册Unit6 Meet My Family! 知识点汇总

1. How many people are there in your family? Three.

你家里有多少人? 三个。

2.Is this your aunt? Yes, she is. 这是你的姑姑吗? 是的,她是。

3.Is this your father? Yes, he is. 这是你的爸爸吗? 是的,他是。

4.He looks young. 他看上去很年轻。

5.What’s your father? My father is a doctor. He’s tall. He likes sports.

你的爸爸是干什么的? 我的爸爸是一名医生。他很高。他喜欢运动。


  My family has four members. My dad, my mom, my brother and me. My dad is a baseball player. He is tall and strong. He likes computer games. My mom is a nurse. She has long hair and big eyes. My brother is thin. He is ten. He likes Chinese and music. He listens to music every day(每天)。

(   ) 1. My family has five members.

(   ) 2. My brother is tall and strong.

(   ) 3. My brother likes Chinese and music.

(   ) 4. My father is a baseball player.

(   ) 5. My mother likes computer games.



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