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2013年10月06日 16:03:55 访问量:978





(    ) 1. Jenny ____ in an office. Her parents ____in a hospital.

A. work; works                                                                       B. works; work              

C. work; are working                                                         D. is working; work

(    ) 2. One of the boys_____ a black hat.

A. have                             B. there is                             C. there are                             D. has

(    ) 3. We will go shopping if it____ tomorrow.

A. dont rain                             B. didnt rain                             C. doesnt rain               D. isnt rain

(    ) 4. He said the sun ____in the east and ____in the west.

A. rose; set                             B. rises; sets               C. rises, set                             D. rise; sets

(    ) 5. Wang Mei ____ music and often ____ to music.

A. like; listen                                                                       B. likes; listens              

C. like; are listening                                                         D. liking; listen

(    ) 6. Jenny____ English every evening.

A. has study                             B. studies                             C. study                             D. studied


1. I can take Li Ming there when he _____ (come) to visit.

2. _____your sister_____(know)English?

3. Her home____ _____ ______远离her school.

4. The pot_____(not look) like yours very much.

5. Where _____you____(have)lunch every day?

6. Who_____想要to go swimming?

7. ______she_____(do) the housework every day?

8. Jenny and Danny usually______(play) games in the afternoon .


1. My sisters often go to school by bus.


2. She does her homework at 7:30.


3. The students are running.


4. He plays the piano after supper.


5. My brother teaches in a middle school.



Mary and Joan__1__my neighbours邻居. They are my friends, __2__. They __3__from Canada. Mary is twelve, she is__4__classmate. Joan is ten. She studies__5_Grade Four at school. Both Mary and Joan can speak a __6__Chinese. Joan and Mary like__7__. My mother teaches __8__to make Chinese food. “I like __9__ and I like Chinese food, too. They often __10___.

(  ) 1. A. am                                            B. is                                            C. are 

(  ) 2. A. two                                            B. too                                            C. and

(  ) 3. A. is                                            B. coming                              C. come

(  ) 4. A. I                                            B. my                                            C. me

(  ) 5. A. on                                            B. in                                            C. at

(  ) 6. A. many                              B. little                              C. lot

(  ) 7. A. China                              B. Chinese                              C. England

(  ) 8. A. them                              B. they                                            C. their

(  ) 9. A. China                              B. Chinese                              C. England

(  ) 10. A. says                              B. saying                              C. say


一、1. B 2.D 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B

二、1. comes 2. Does, know 3. is far from 4. doesnt look  5. do, have 6. wants

7. Does, do 8. play

1. How do your sisters go to school?

2. What time/When does she do her homework?

3. What are the students doing?

4. When does he play the piano?

5. Where does your brother teach?

四、1~5 CBCBB   6~10 BBAAC


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